Setting up 3ft planted aquarium for our customer (part 2)
Last week, we setup a 3ft planted aquarium, we went again today to check on the aquarium.
Our customer have introduced fishes into their tank on the 4th day. The fishes are doing great. Amano shrimps are also introduced to eat algae.
Fishes introduced are:
Dwarf Gourami
Rummy Nose Rasboras
Rainbow Tetras
Congo Tetras
Amano Shrimps
Last week, we setup a 3ft planted aquarium, we went again today to check on the aquarium.
Click here to see what we did during our last visit
Our customer have introduced fishes into their tank on the 4th day. The fishes are doing great. Amano shrimps are also introduced to eat algae.
Fishes introduced are:
Dwarf Gourami
Rummy Nose Rasboras
Rainbow Tetras
Congo Tetras
Amano Shrimps
We test the water using JBL 6 in 1 Test Strip. All parameter are good.
No3: 0
No2: 0
GH: 4dh
KH: 3dkh
pH: 6.4
Chlorine: 0
We did 50% water change to remove excess nutrient in the water that comes from the substrate. Although plants should be absorbing the nutrient, but they are still immature at the beginning to absorb all the nutrient in the water. Water change now will help to prevent algae outbreak in the aquarium. This is a very important step.
We change around 50% of the water twice per week for the 1st month until plants are mature enough, than we do water change once per week or depends on tank condition.
During the first week of planting, plants might die as some might be unhealthy or weak due to transport and handling. We replant them during water change as it is easiest to do when water level is low.
Fill the aquarium with water, we add in JBL Biotopol to remove chlorine and chloramines to make water safe for fishes and plants.
After 15 min, we introduce more Amano shrimp into the aquarium, making it to 20 Amano shrimps. (^_^)
We like to add in as much Amano shrimp as possible to a planted aquarium, they are hardworking and clean up algae very fast.
We add in more EIHO Bacter Gold (beneficial bacteria).
JBL Ferropol (Fertilizer) to provide missing nutrients for plants growth
EIHO Plant Carbo help moss to grow easier and also prevent algae growth.
Check equipment and ensure they are working well.