DiscusFood Discus Minerals & Trace Elements (Water & Health Stabilizer) (300g)
Minerals for soft-water fish
Discus Minerals – Minerals and Trace Elements for Discus
Pure water (H2O) is an inhospitable place. Only by dissolved minerals, trace elements and humic substances arises a healthy environment. Discus Minerals by Discusfood contains a balanced mixture of minerals and trace elements such as found in natural waters. For soft-water tanks, demineralized water without any natural ingredients is used (e.g., by osmosis). Discus Minerals compensates for the lack of minerals and trace elements. The water will be mineralized. Discus Minerals is especially optimized for soft-water biotopes.
Discus Minerals prevents of damage from mineral lack. It generates a healthy aquarium water. Discus Minerals contains no NaCl (cooking salt) and does not increase the carbonate hardness.
15 g of Discus Minerals to 100 liters of osmosis water or 10 g to 100 liters of soft-water. Discus Minerals is readily soluble. Dissolve the mineral mixture completely in a separate container with water. 1 g to 10 liters increases hardness by ca. 3° GH and conductance by ca. 150 μS/cm.
Packaging sizes:
300 g dose (item no. 33020) for 3000 ltrs
Learn more: Why it is necessary to mineralize soft-water aquaria