SALIFERT pH Profi Test kit for saltwater
Salifert pH test kit is sufficiently accurate to monitor pH fluctuations of approx 0.2 pH units.
Our KH + pH Buffer allows fast and efficient correction of alkalinity.
The pH value can have a major impact on the growth of corals and calcareous algae and on many biological processes. The pH should not be allowed to fluctuate more than approx. 0.3 units during 24 hours and should preferably be kept between 8.0 and 8.2.
If the pH is too low then the cause may be a too low alkalinity and/or insufficient aeration.
A low pH can be corrected by improving aeration and by increasing the alkalinity to NSW (Natural seawater) value or upto approx 25% above NSW levels.
Keep out of the reach of children! Only for aquarium hobby use.
The use of protective gloves and eye protection is recommended.
Please read the instructions carefully before using the product.
Salifert is a Netherlands base company that produces top of the line test kits as well as tank additives and foods for marine and reef aquariums.
Salifert is well established and popular with hobbyist for their accurate and affordable test kits.