JBL ProClean Bac - Living Cleansing Bacteria for Immediate Aid (1 Cartridge of 50ml)
Living Cleansing Bacteria for Immediate Aid for aquarium /fish tank
- For healthy fish and clear, clean aquarium water
- Use: shake disposable cartridge, open and put entire content into the aquarium. Ideal for 60-200 litres freshwater
- Always use after: water change, filter cleaning, medication and adding of new fish
- Breaks down ammonium/ammonia and nitrite. Supports the filter and reduces sludge (dirt on the ground)
- Package contents: 1 disposable cartridge with 50 ml concentrate of living cleansing bacteria for freshwater aquariums
Bacteria are not always negative organisms! In the soil and in the water, they are among the most important and useful helpers for such activities as removing toxins or converting them into harmless substances. Several JBL bacterial products contain highly concentrated bacterial strains designed for such purposes as converting problematic nitrogen compounds, such as ammonium (NH4), ammonia (NH3) and nitrite into harmless nitrogen compounds (nitrate (NO3) or nitrogen gas (N2)). Live bacterial cultures in JBL products like JBL ProClean Bac, JBL Denitrol, JBL FilterStart and JBL FilterBoost can’t be overdosed! This is because the bacteria may be added in over-concentration, but the survival of the bacteria is linked to the available nutrients. If, for example, a lot of ammonium is present, many bacteria can live on it and reproduce. If there is hardly any ammonium, only a part of the bacteria will survive. Here, supply and demand regulate the amount of bacteria.
When JBL Detoxol is used free ammonium is bound in the water, which provides immediate relief for the fish. This removal of ammonium also prevents any further nitrate from forming. Any nitrite already present is not bound. If you have high nitrite values, carry out a water change beforehand. A subsequent addition of bacteria will help you maintain a sustainable and biological removal of ammonium and nitrite.
If you don’t immediately add your animals, the cleansing bacteria included in Denitrol will quickly die from lack of food. If you wait a few days before adding the animals (against the advice of these instructions) problems will occur with ammonium/ammonia and nitrite. In the end, the bacteria will not be able to develop and will die off due to a lack of food. As a result the ammonium excreted by the fish will not be broken down. Since no bacteria are present to oxidise ammonium into nitrate in two steps, a nitrite peak will occur despite the application. If the first fish are introduced immediately after the addition of Denitrol, the purification bacteria get food and begin to multiply. This is comparable to an unathletic person who starts doing sports and first has to "train up" his fitness. This ensures that there are enough bacteria right from the start and that neither ammonium/ammonia nor nitrite become a problem when more fish are added. Please always increase the fish stock moderately and only after a few days.
Yes, this would be useful. The bacteria, as for example in JBL Denitrol or JBL PROCLEAN BAC, need a little time to settle on the substrate. Until then they are floating freely in the water so that the UV-C radiation can kill them off. It is therefore recommendable to switch off the UV-C device for a day.