NT LABS Aquarium pH Stabiliser KH UP 180g
“Comprehensive and easy to use, I often like to have a couple of bottles of Anti-Internal Bacteria treatment or Disease Solve to hand. Nice to know that I’m not the only one who rates these products!” Nathan Hill, the Associate Editor of Practical Fishkeeping Magazine
When to use :
Over time the carbonate hardness (KH) level in your aquarium will drop. This reduces the pH and can lead to sudden fluctuations. Increase PH and increase carbonate hardness.
Certain species of fish require a higher KH level and in turn a high pH so it is important to regularly maintain the correct KH level.
How to use :
- Use 6g (1 level teaspoon) for every 100 litres of aquarium water to increase the KH by 2odKH.
- Dissolve the required amount in a small volume of aquarium water before adding to your aquarium.
- Do not increase the KH of your aquarium by more than 2odKH every 24 hours.
- Confirm your KH level by using Aquarium Hardness Test Kit.
Q: Does your KH buffer contain phosphates?
A: No, our KH buffer products are both phosphate and nitrate free.