3 Essential Tips For Pond Owner
A well maintained and properly cared for pond is nothing less than a sight of beauty. Every pond owner wishes to make sure that the pond looks good. When taking care of a pond there are several factors that need to be taken into account. But there are three main factors that are integral for pond maintenance. If you make sure that these three factors are monitored properly, the pond will look beautiful and calming. But how to do so? Lets dive into the details one by one:
pH Level Of The Pond:
The pH level of a pond should lie between 7-8.5. If it is less than this range or exceeds it, the health of the fish can be adversely affected. To keep an eye on the pH level of the pond, first you need to be able to measure it. For this purpose, take around five cups of water from different parts of the pond and mix them in a bowl. Once mixed, use the JBL ProAquaTest Easy 7 in 1 and match the color of the strip with the chart provided to find the pH.
You should always check the pH level of the pond after rain due to acid rain. Moreover, if you notice difference in the behavior (restless and at a corner)or health of fish, it also indicates the need to check the pH. If you find that it is lower than 7 you should:
- Make use of KH Buffer solution like EIHO water stabilizer or JBL StabiloPond Basis KH to increase the pH.
- Add in or check on the coral strips or Oyster Shells in the filter chamber every 6 – 12 month. They are expired if they are easily crushed. If there isn’t enough space they can be placed inside the pond as well.
Nitrate Level In The Pond:
If you don’t monitor the nitrate level in the pond, you may end up with severely sick or even dead fish. The JBL 7 in 1 strip can also be used to monitor the nitrate level of the pond. The method is also the same as the one to check the pH level.
If you see that the fish are restless or are showing signs of illness, experiencing rashes and ulcers on body and the color of the pond water is turning yellowish, it is usually an indication that the nitrate level is high. Some measures to fix this problem include:
- Change 10 - 30% water of the pond to reduce the nitrate level.
- Add EIHO Marine Carbon in a filter bag to the pond so the excess nitrate level can be removed quickly. Must be replace or remove every 2 – 3 months.
- Clean the gravel deeply to get rid of dust and sludge. You can use a Pond Vacuum for this purpose
- Alter the amount or frequency of feeding.
- Make use of beneficial bacteria like EIHO Bacteria Gold and JBL SediEx Pond
- Increase the frequency for cleaning the filtration system. Always use your pond water to clean the filter as water from the tap have chlorine and will kill the beneficial bacteria in the filter media and destory the pond ecosystem.
Proper Filtration Is Key:
Filtration is key to be certain that the pond remains clean for the fish to survive properly. The appropriate filter size depends on the size and the number of fish that you have in the pond. The generic formula is to consider one liter of water per one centimeter growth of the fish.
Make sure that the flowrate of the filter you select is at least four times in comparison with the volume of the pond.
E.g. for a 1000 liter pond, a filter pump of 4000L/H flowrate is recommended.